Changing Our City Through Our Youth

During the Week of July 8th-13th, we hosted our Student Camp. Dozens of kids from our city came together for a week of worship, ministry and new friendships. This was an incredible opportunity for our city. Students from both sides of 52 came together for a week of impact.

Mornings began with time to discuss how they were feeling about the community outreach projects they were doing, hear from a speaker, and begin the day with prayer. 

Each day the students were rotated through five different work sites, including, gardening/landscaping, putting in a new roof and floor in a house, and more.


One camp leader (picture below), commented, “I’m not looking at the task [replacing the floor] – I’m looking at these youths learning how to use a saw and take a measurement – actually teaching them. What it is is actually mentoring them and teaching them that they can do more than they ever believed they could. That’s the satisfaction.”

When talking to the students, I was time-and-time-again told that they had never before done anything like this Student Camp and would definitely be interested in doing more volunteer work if they had the opportunity. A student named Bree said, “I feel like everyone goes elsewhere to do mission work but really we need it so much here.” Another student said, “it’s [student camp] been great, meeting a lot of new friends. I never did a lot of work in a yard or a garden before. I would one-hundred percent be interested in doing something like this if I had more opportunities.” – Aaron (pictured below wearing gray)

After a full day of work at their volunteer sites, the students ended their day with a worship service.

Follow LOL Student Camp on Facebook for updates!



Love Winston Salem 2018


The Wounded Healer - Henri J. M. Nouwen