Union: a Call to Fervent Prayer



Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, According to the power at work with us, to him be glory in the Church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever.   Amen

Ephesians 3:20-21

Some, or most of you, have heard about the blessing we have been given in having the UNION musical come to Winston-Salem at the Steven Center Friday, February 8th, 2019.  On Saturday morning there will also be a time to gather for worship and discussion at the Union Baptist Church.

We are looking for people who feel called to support this week-end in prayer.     We are praying and seeking God’s favor;  asking Him for success in this venture to bring forth an awakening and a revelation to the city during Black History Month.

We are asking you and your congregation(s) to stand united with us and join us in prayer for this musical and Saturday morning follow-up to transform the city.   Pray that the weather will be mild; pray that there will be no negative interference; and that all involved will stay healthy in body and mind.  Pray that the Will of God goes ahead of, and prevails during Friday night and Saturday morning.  Pray that we, as a group,  and everyone involved, will be surrounded with divine protection. 

We expect something great to occur here that will continue to affect us all throughout the year and in the years to come. We thank you for all the prayers that you will send forward to strengthen out stand.

Be blessed!



Prayers and Readings for Monday, March 16, 2020


Union: A Musical